Back Arm Trainer for Golf and Baseball

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  • Regular price $30.00

What's the idea behind the Rodman Trainer?

The Rodman Back-Arm Trainer is a wooden rod that you can use to train the right feel of the back arm through the swing.  The light weight of the Back Arm Trainer allows you to move slowly through the action with a relaxed grip, ingraining a loose feel of the back arm.  If you try to train the back arm slowly with a regular bat, the weight of the barrel would be pushing down on your hand, causing you to have to flex your arm too much, ingraining a tense action through contact.

I'm always up-front about my training aids.  You can cut down your own broom handle to fourteen inches and get the same thing as the BAT.  I just make this available to people who don't have saws of their own, or want to continue to have clean floors. 

A great swing is nothing more than a swing that uses more of the lead-side pathway, and less of the back side.  This doesn't mean that the back arm does nothing.  It just means that the back arm has to learn how to conform to the structure that you would have when swinging with the lead arm all by itself.  If the back arm overexerts and pushes, the swing has gone outside of this lead-arm structure, and you have fallen victim to the main problem when it comes to swing mechanics.

Click here for a video on how to use the BAT for baseball, and here to see how to use it for golf.

Why not just use a regular bat or club to train the back arm feel?

You often see hitters and golfers attempting to train the feel of the back arm with a regular bat or club, but the weight is too much for one arm, so it conditions the muscles to be tense through the swing.  The light weight of the Rodman allows you to move slowly through the swing to instill the right movement, while simultaneously training the muscles in your back arm to be loose. 

Why use the Rodman Back Arm Trainer?

A lot of people have been asking for more information on what they should be feeling in the back arm.  It took me a few years to develop the perfect training aid.  As you guys know, I don't like to come out with anything unless I think it is the best possible training aid to use, and the Back Arm Trainer is a simple device that is all you need.  

What does the Rodman look like?

The Rodman is essentially a broom-stick size dowel cut down to 14 inches.  If you already have a dowel you can cut to that size then it should work just fine.