Lead-Arm Training Club for Golf

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  • Regular price $50.00

To have a great swing, you simply need to take more swings with just your lead arm.  It's that simple.  The problem is, you can't do that with a regular golf club and get a realistic cadence and rhythm.  It's too big and heavy.  Plus, you risk injuring your shoulder.  That's why I make these club available.  I cut these down myself from old, used golf clubs.  You could do that too, and I recommend you try.  But if you don't want to try, I've provided these for you to purchase.

All of my Lead-Arm Training Clubs are "woods" made of either metal or wood.  The reason why is so that you can actually hit a ball.  You can see this video to see the Yoga Block Drill that I recommend you do with the Lead Arm Training Club.

Choose right or left handed and choose your length.