Baseball Swing RSS

What if I told you there is one, easy-to-see, easy-to-feel trait that separates the great swings from the good ones.  And that if you incorporate this one single trait into your swing, your swing will instantly become great.  And the more you move toward this feeling, the better the results will get over time. Too good to be true?  It may seem that way.  I imagine Steve Jobs's neighbors thought it was too good to be true when he started Apple Computers in his garage and talked about how big it was going to be.  Not saying I'm Steve Jobs.  But I am...

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  It has been assumed for a long time that the pop that great hitters have can be attributed to their ability to snap their wrists at contact.  But the true source of pop is invisible with the naked eye.  To see it, you have to slow down the video of the swing.  When you do, you will see that the great hitters have more "forward bend" of the bat just prior to making contact.  In other words, the bat is actually whipping forward through contact.  In the swings of poorer hitters, the bat doesn't bend forward as much and may...

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    It's important to know the history of a teaching so you locate yourself within the "story," and properly move past the misunderstandings that exist within the current paradigm.  Right now we are in a period of swing instruction where the "old school" style of teaching is all but dead, and the "new school" style is the popular way.  In this video, I explain what the old school and new school methods are, how they developed, and why both have major flaws that are effecting your performance at the plate. You may recognize the old school and new school...

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  Swing instruction in baseball sure is a peculiar little nitch.  What I've observed in my twenty years of working in it, is that if something is novel and neat at the same time, it's likely to get a lot of people implementing it to improve their hitting.  Whether the philosophy behind it makes logical sense doesn't seem to matter as much.  If it's interesting, people seem to automatically assume it's also effective.   The Chuck-It drill in baseball is one of those ideas.  I don't know who started this fad, but it's ruining swings at an astonishing pace.  It seems many people online are...

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Almost all swing coaches out there would say that barring the front arm to start the forward swing is bad.  When you ask them why, they explain something like, "the bat will never square up"  or "you'll get bat drag." I find this funny because actually just the opposite is true.  By having a barred front arm to start the forward swing, the barrel enters the zone much earlier and stays square longer.  Babe Ruth did it.  Ken Griffey Jr. did it.  Their swings were the most beautiful because they were the most effective. Here is Babe Ruth, in my opinion the most underrated...

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