Baseball Swing RSS
3 Simple Things To Increase the Odds of Your Son Having a Great Swing
There is so much nonsense being taught out there in swing instruction, and meanwhile some pretty low-hanging fruit is available. If you have a son that is just starting in baseball, these are some easy actions you can do to increase his likelihood of being a great hitter. #1 - Use wood bats, not plastic or light metal. Parents are afraid that the child will hurt themselves or dent the furniture. I get it. But this is a time when kids are really developing their swing and strengthening the muscles that they will use for the swing. If you put a light...
Lefty Throw / Righty Swing and Why It's Correlated to Great Hitting
Front arm dominance is the only theory of the swing that has been scientifically proven to be correlated to great hitting. I have posted a lot about the lopsided number of the greatest pound for pound hitters who were lefty hitters who threw righty. While this trait is seen in just 2% of the population, it is seen in 60% of the greatest pound for pound left handed hitters of all time. You can download or view for free my list of the top pound for pound hitters of all time at But it’s not just in lefties...
Rings For Swings
There is no better way to train for the swing than to use gymnastics rings. I agree with Mickey Mantle, who said, "In baseball, the real secret of power is the strength you have in your wrists, forearms, and shoulders." If that's true, the next question becomes, "How can we train them in such a way that not only avoids injury, but actually makes your joints more resilient?" The answer to that question is unequivocally gymnastics rings. They promote more hanging, and humans need to hang. It's healing. Dr. John M. Kirsch was a surgeon for thirty years and stopped his...
The 4 Approaches To Baseball Swing Instruction
You can see my video on this topic here. Let me first explain what I mean by "approach." By "approach," I mean the main thing that these swing coaches or "camps" believe is the key differentiator between the great hitters and everyone else. As a swing coach, when you have an "approach," you should be able to decipher it in two ways. First, you should be able to point out what your swing looks like on video, and second, you should be able to describe the feeling in as simple and concise way as possible so that someone can easily pick...
Swing With Your Front Arm
Swing with just your front arm. It’s really that simple. People want to often make it more confusing than it needs to but it’s not their fault. Conventional baseball swing instruction has sold them on the idea that they need to be given a one hour lecture to understand the swing, and even then they walk away unsure if they’re doing it right. The bottom line is, the conventional approach to the swing has gotten way too confusing. The gurus say science backs up their claims or that some major league player who uses their methods backs up their claims. ...