The Baseball Swing - Moving Fulcrum vs. Getting On Plane (The Pinball Example)
When I was playing baseball in college, I observed something that I'm sure all of you have noticed too - that all the great hitters seem to have an uncanny ability to make square contact with the baseball. It made me wonder, "What in the heck is going on here?"
I mean, it's one thing to explain power - they're stronger than you, they are faster than you, etc. But how do you explain the ability to make solid contact so frequently? Being that I had juggled professionally from the time I was 15, I couldn't really say that they just had better hand/eye coordination. There had to be something going on mechanically that gave them this advantage.
It's not what the "new school" swing coaches say, that it's all about getting on plane with the pitch. If it were as simple as just swinging up more, don't you think the secret to the swing would have been discovered long ago?
It's not that the great players are just swinging up more, it's that they are employing the Moving Fulcrum system. What this means is that they have a longer distance that the barrel is square through the zone. This means they can be off on their timing and still hit the ball out of the park.
This is huge! Think about it. The hardest thing to do in baseball is square the bat to the ball. It's the one thing the pitcher is trying to get you to NOT do. And yet here is something within your mechanics, WITHIN YOUR CONTROL, that drastically increases your odds of solid contact.
Watch the video above to get a clear understanding of just how the Moving Fulcrum works, what it looks like, and how the best hitters of all time have used it to unlock ridiculous consistency.
For a complete understanding of the baseball swing, check out my newest book Swing Cheat Code 2, the first book to deliver the entire secret to the baseball swing, and does so in less than 3000 words.